Order Fulfillment Verification​

Validate orders in a fraction of the time

Validate the accuracy and authenticity of received orders or ensure your outbound shipments are accounted for in-full leveraging our order fulfillment solutions. Our products are designed to integrate directly into your workflows while delivering unmatched accuracy and productivity improvements.

Orchestrated read event with controlled read zones leveraging sensors and imagers​

Proprietary antenna and elegant design eliminate the need for curtains, improving uptime

Immediate alarming for incorrect product and quantity​

Automated aggregation of individual items within the parent container​

The Transformative Benefits of Order  Fulfillment Verification

Validate the accuracy and authenticity of received orders or ensure your outbound shipments are accounted for in-full leveraging our order fulfillment solutions. Our products are designed to integrate directly into your workflows while delivering unmatched accuracy and productivity improvements.

Orchestrated read event with controlled read zones leveraging sensors and imagers​

Proprietary antenna and elegant design eliminate the need for curtains, improving uptime

Immediate alarming for incorrect product and quantity​

Automated aggregation of individual items within the parent container​

Automated content verification without manual staging and unboxing ​

Verify Without Ever Opening​

Item Level Visibility

Content verification without human intervention​

Order Verification​

Instant cross-check and alarming capability​

Seamless Integrations

Published to integrated ERP/WMS​

Our Impact

Global Shoe Manufacturer​

Verify receipt on inbound orders Confirm fulfillment of pick/pick for outbound shipments​




Improve box content, shipment accuracy, and reduce grey market selling​




Begin your digital
transformation journey today

Order Fulfillment Verification​

Validate orders in a fraction of the time

Validate the accuracy and authenticity of received orders or ensure your outbound shipments are accounted for in-full leveraging our order fulfillment solutions. Our products are designed to integrate directly into your workflows while delivering unmatched accuracy and productivity improvements.

Automated content verification without manual staging and unboxing ​

Verify Without Ever Opening​

Item Level Visibility

Content verification without human intervention​

Order Verification​

Automated aggregation of individual items within the parent container​

Seamless Integrations

Published to integrated ERP/WMS​

Our Impact

Global Shoe Manufacturer​

Verify receipt on inbound orders Confirm fulfillment of pick/pick for outbound shipments​




Improve box content, shipment accuracy, and reduce grey market selling​




Begin your digital transformation journey today